Classic Deep Cleanse 5 minutes: Careful skin analysis and deep cleanse without the use of chemical exfoliants. $79
Ladies Signature European 60-75 min, includes enzyme peel: Careful analysis, deep cleanse, enzyme peel, extractions, purifying and hydrating masks, aroma therapy and massage. $87
Men's Signature European 60-75 min, includes enzyme peel: Careful analysis, deep cleanse, enzyme peel, extractions, purifying and hydrating masks, aroma therapy and massage. Products and massage tailored specific to beard and facial hair for men. $87
Acne Care Facial 60-90 min: Careful analysis, treatment and extraction tailored to treat the degree and type of acne congestion. Home care education given and regimen suggested. Appointment lengths will vary. $70
Chemical Peels 50-65 min (several grades for acclamation and optimal results): Varying grades of acid for optimal results and safety. Consultation and careful analysis will determine. $90
Microdermabrasion 60-75 min: A physical resurfacing of the skin with micro crystals and suction to exfoliate dead cells and deter formation of deeper lines and wrinkles. (Derma Pod, a Silhouet Tone technology.) $85
*Additional Enzyme peel, tandem facial treatment: A pre or post enzyme peel to prepare or continue exfoliation for microdermabrasions or chemical peels. This is an advanced treatment add-on service to Chemical peels or Microdermabrasions and may be determined to be suitable or contraindicated at the time of the appointment. $90
Lunch Time Facials
Lunch time facials are designed for the person on the go to get you in, out and on your way.
Lunch Time Classic 35 min:
Lunch Time Signature Euro 45 min
Lunch Time Peel 30 min
Lunch Time Microdermabrasion 45 min